- misslaceynoel DAY 78 OF MY #100DAYSOFMAKEUPCHALLENGE!!
💀💀💀 "I'm beautiful in my way, cos God makes no mistakes, I'm on the
right track, baby I was Born This Way!" 💀💀💀 I was originally going to
do this at the beginning of the year, but I'm so glad I saved it for
the 100 Days cos I feel like I could give it more justice compared to
back then. This is a look both based on @ladygaga's @monsterhigh Doll and Gaga's look from her Born This Way video (same look, different makeup if that makes sense lol) which was based off of @zombieboyofficial! I really loved doing this look, and I'm so glad I get to wear a lil suit with it too! 💀💀💀
Photo by @missmissyphoto 💀
I used @mehronmakeup Paradise paints in black and white as well as @bennyemakeup Clown White. I shaded with Shax and Dagger from @katvondbeauty. 💀
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